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Robertson Quay
Riverside Terrace
Riverside Terrace Menu

Riverside Terrace

Eat & Drink, Pizza, Singaporean, Drinks

Dishes priced aroundSGD 28

Photo of restaurant Riverside Terrace in Robertson Quay, Singapore

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Menu from Riverside Terrace

Browse the menu highlights at Riverside Terrace and explore the popular dishes people are craving! From starters to something sweet, take a look at what’s in store when you book a table at Riverside Terrace. Besides the flavours, you can even check out the prices at this popular spot. Mmmm, we're getting hungry already...

Check out the menu(s)

Menu highlights

Includes dishes that are:



GCW Signature Laksa

Laksa Noodle | Tau Pok | Bean Sprout | Tiger Prawn | Fish Cake

SGD 26.00
Hainanese Chicken Rice

Fragrance Rice | Poached Chicken| Steamed Bok Choy

SGD 26.00
Angus Grain-Fed Beef Sirloin (250gm)

SGD 36.00


Hawaiian Chicken Tikka

Tangy Marinated Chicken | Honey Pineapple | Yoghurt

SGD 24.00
Pepperoni & Olives

Beef Pepperoni | Black Olives

SGD 26.00
Seafood Pesto

Sustainable Seafood | Pesto

SGD 26.00


Chicken Pesto Linguine

SGD 26.00
Ocean Seafood Laksa Marinara

SGD 29.00
Seafood Aglio Olio

SGD 29.00

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